009 Margaret Mead

THIS EPISODE (original air date 06/09/2006):

PZ0673.09From the Vault: Margaret Mead BUY NOW!!

Archival programs used in this weeks show:

BC2945.02 Dr. Margaret Mead / Interviewed by Anne Freemantle BUY NOW!!

BB1705 Coming of Age in America; 1965 BUY NOW!!

BB1851 Childhood Basis of Creativity BUY NOW!!

BC2243.07 Dr. Margaret Mead / Hosted by Paul McIsaac BUY NOW!!

BB1647 Margaret Mead on Sexual Freedom and Cultural Change BUY NOW!!

BB2124 The Generation Gap BUY NOW!!

BB0030 American Marriage Mores BUY NOW!!

Compact disc duplicates of the recordings listed above may be purchased online with a credit card or PayPal account by clicking on ‘BUY NOW’ next to the title.

To order by phone, call Pacifica Radio Archives at 800.735.0230 x 262. To learn more about these programs, visit Pacifica Radio Archives Home Page and click ’Search Our Collection.’

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Music featured in this week’s episode: