Archive for November, 2006

FTV 030 Alan Watts (RE-BROADCAST)

Posted in Update on November 17th, 2006


“The point is that God is what nobody admits to being, and everybody really is.” ~Alan Watts

What are the circumstances that causes one to question the long traditions they’ve been taught? How, and why does one question their role in society? While many people have pondered these questions, very few are able to communicate simplistic, yet spiritual alternative ways of seeing the universe, without the structure of religion. And so for many, this is the appeal of Alan Watts, who, since the 1950s, has consistently been one of the most popular voices on the Pacifica Radio Network.

While his death in 1973 saddened listeners worldwide, Alan Watts’ spirit is alive and well, and to this day his Sunday morning show (it’s all re-runs now!) on Pacifica Radio KPFK enjoys throngs of the faithful. This week on From the Vault, we’ll listen to Alan Watts, a great interpreter of Eastern philosophies for the West and a fixture in Pacifica Radio’s History.

Click here to purchase a copy of this program or learn more about and purchase copies of the historic archival recordings used within this episode. To purchase a CD copy of this program by phone, please call Pacifica Radio Archives at 800.735.0230 x 262.

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FTV 029 Peace

Posted in Update on November 10th, 2006

“We are not each other’s problem, we are each other’s solution. We are not each other’s threat, we are each other’s therapy.”

~Reverend Jesse Jackson

This week, we’re going to listen to peace – peace in action, peace protests, peace speeches, talk of nonviolence, the poetry of the peaceful and more.

As long as there has been war, there have been voices calling for its end. As long as their has been inequality, injustice, and inequity, there have been voices arguing for equality, justice, and economic reform. Indeed, W.E.B. DuBois once argued that it is impossible to have peace without those very three things: justice, equality, and economic reform.

As a result, the voices calling for peace, come from a wide swatch of individuals – from all backgrounds, educations, professions, races, and countries…
On this episode of From the Vault, we proudly present a choice selection of historic recordings (Reverend Jesse Jackson, W.E.B Dubois, Dale Minor, Coretta Scott King, Sen. John Kerry), filled with voices calling for peace, fighting for peace, arguing for peace, and teaching peace — voices that truly represent the spiritual backbone of the Pacifica Radio Archives.

Archival recordings used in this week’s episode, Peace:

KZ2230 World Peace and Revolt in Africa with Dr. W.E.B.DuBois MORE INFO

BB4433a-c The Battle for Hue MORE INFO

KZ1135 Study War No More: Peace Sunday, 1982 MORE INFO

BC0019.10 John Kerry’s 1971 Senate Testimony MORE INFO

BB1331 Coretta King MORE INFO

Click here to purchase a copy of this program or learn more about and purchase copies of the historic archival recordings used within this episode. To purchase a CD copy of this program by phone, please call Pacifica Radio Archives at 800.735.0230 x 262.

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FTV 028 Walking for Peace

Posted in Update on November 3rd, 2006

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

~Peace Pilgrim (Mildred Lisette Norman)(1908 – 1981)

We know Mildred Lisette Norman was born July 18, 1908 in Egg Harbor City, NJ, we know she was married and divorced, and we know she dabbled in business for a bit. But this history seems irrelevant when you compare it to the enormity of the last 28 years of her life, a period in which she became known around the world as Peace Pilgrim. This week on the From the Vault, we pay homage to this gentle old woman who walked 25,000 miles for peace.

Peace Pilgrim was never far from an audience, for word always spread quick through town that this woman was about to pass through. And Peace Pilgrim was never short for words — as a prolific public speaker, she used her public stature to speak about everything peace, from world to inner. Here at the Pacifica Radio Archives, we’re fortunate to preserve a very respectable collection of Peace Pilgrim in her own voice, and this week, on the first half of From the Vault, we present these special recordings for your review.

Seven years after Peace Pilgrim began her 28 year odyssey, members of Committee for NonViolent Action came up with their own Walk for Peace; specifically, they wanted to bring about disarmament. Walking from San Francisco to Moscow, they were met with sincere support and with outright hostility, and in both the US and in Western Europe, they were often heckled and called “Commies!”

Once inside the Soviet Union and in Moscow in October 1961, the marchers met with Premier Khruschev’s wife as well as students at the Moscow University and discussed the need for disarmament.

Members of the walk spoke with legendary Pacifica reporter Elsa Knight Thompson in the KPFA studios in November 1961. For the second half of this week’s program, we will hear excerpts from the interview, which gives a wonderful impression of what the tme was like – the tension in the air, the hostility and dread of the Red Curtain advancing across western Europe and of the build up of nuclear weapons.

Archival recordings used in this week’s episode, The Peace Walkers:

KZ1220 A Visit with the Peace Pilgrim / produced by Pearl Skotnes MORE INFO

BB4682 Peace Pilgrim / interviewed by Art Wadsworth MORE INFO

BB2149 A Lady called Peace Pilgrim / interviewed by Lou Hartman MORE INFO

BB0212 Walk for Peace / Ed Lazar and Barton Stone; interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson MORE INFO

KZ1610 On foot and on faith : an encounter with Peace Pilgrim / interviewed by Barbara Dunlap MORE INFO

Click here to purchase a copy of this program or learn more about and purchase copies of the historic archival recordings used within this episode. To purchase a CD copy of this program by phone, please call Pacifica Radio Archives at 800.735.0230 x 262.

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